Tickets purchased for Calgary and Ottawa game on Dec. 27/08

by Mavis Harder
(Medicine Hat, AB.)

Pretty much like these...

Pretty much like these...

I ordered tickets for my husband,son, son in-law and grandson for Christmas. When I ordered them I said not up in the nosebleed section as my husband had a heart attack not too long ago and it would be too hard for him to walk up all those stairs.

I got the tickets by Fedex as I live in Medicine Hat, and it was too hard to get to Calgary to get the tickets. They got to the game and guess what UP in the Nosebleed.

My husband was unable to get up to the seats and they were told that they didn't have designated seats just first come first serve. I paid far too much money for that kind of service and to not even have a seat. They all ended up standing so that they were near my husband as they were very concerned about his heart.

What is with that, someone should have told me that I was buying so that this scare would not have happened. Thanks so much for "What Should Have Been A Great Outting for the Boys." We will definitely think seriously about attending another event which will be a shame.

Barry's Response - I'm sorry to hear about this mishap. It seems there are a few bugs in the system.

Comments for Tickets purchased for Calgary and Ottawa game on Dec. 27/08

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by: Murugan

these indicate Tickets bought for calary are useful for new fan clubs

by: raman

the article has a great impression.It was very intersting. I will like it to explore on the other sites. I would like to see world map on it.

Some obligation required
by: R Missa

It would seem that some obligation is warranted in regards to the layout of the arena that the game was held. All arenas have seat layouts available on line or at Ticketmaster, which are available to review for free. When the ticket seat location was given, you should have reviewed that to see the exact location. Also, tickets from a broker are considerably higher than those that you can purchase yourself. The reason, usually is that you can get better seats. That is not the case in this instance. Lastly, you should always ask for seat number to ensure that they are together. General admission will never have seat numbers.

I would not hold this against Calgary-City-Maps and would like to research the downtown area and real estate links.

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