synonymous to perfection

by Sir Isaac

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To me, instrumental music is synonymous to perfection, at least, to one's strong desire to reach it.

'Perfect' is known to be a popular word with musicians - perfect timing, perfect tuning, perfect sense of harmony and style - yes, it's gotta be perfect in every way, and more to it. Music itself is the perfect way (or the perfect language) to express such subtle matter as 'the spirit of time'.

I do believe that only perfectionists are able to catch this ever-changing "something" - let it be Mozart or Bert Ambrose orchestra, The King or The Fabs, Led Zep or dIRE sTRAITS..

In general, perfectionism is a sort of creative practical meditation. Like when you contemplate upon various elements and think of an ideal way to combine them, in order to reflect their true nature and function. They say, laziness is the mother of invention, but they are wrong. It is perfectionism that boosts human civilization and cultures.

Barry's Response - interesting, to say the least. Interesting, but not perfect. I have always credited innovation with boosting human civilization/culture more than anything. That's what the rock'n roll era was based upon.

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