Spy Guys Adventure Weekends

by Kerry Sauve
(Calgary, Alberta)

Spy Guys Adventure Weekends

Spy Guys Adventure Weekends

Have you ever wanted to be a character from a video game or action movie? Here’s your chance. The Spy Games Adventure Weekend is a fun; safe way to learn many of the skills used in your favourite games and movies. Then you’ll apply them in an all-out battle with our specially trained squad of bad guys in an over the top test of your spy skills. You’ll need to escape and neutralize your guards, create a plan, infiltrate the facility, rescue the hostages and complete your mission all while taking out the trash along the way.

This incredibly fun, safe adventure weekend is ideal for anyone 13 and up who want to learn how to escape from bonds (handcuffs, zip cuffs, ropes, duct tape), Reality Based Self Defense, Tactical Pistol and Carbine, Escape and Evasion and Resistance to Interrogation techniques. Designed to appeal to the adrenaline junkie in all of us, the weekend is a rollercoaster ride of professional instruction and practical application.

The final examination is challenging and incredibly fun and tests the participant’s ability to apply what they’ve learned. Hosted on an incredible 4 acre compound or one of our several secret bunkers in the City allows every Spy Games Weekend to be a unique experience.

Look for it.

Barry's Response - I'm sure they will post subsequent training opportunities at this website as well. Thanks, Kerry.

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Amazing post
by: Navodya

This post contain the different activities of Spy Guys on Weekends. Different guys have different keen and like to do different activities on weekend. Some of them you have mentioned in this post and If I talked about myself then I have interest in golf playing.

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