School Appropriate Lyrics

Lyrics Kitty...

Lyrics Kitty...

Another difficulty for teachers and parents is allowing students to research lyrics they want to know more about while keeping it appropriate for their age-level. Although teenagers are getting the point where they should be able to make their own decisions about what's okay and what's not, younger and younger children are given IPods for Christmas, have access to the internet (sometimes unsupervised), and are not developmentally ready for some of the content of popular music.

Plus, many lyrics sites also try to sell things such as ring tones. It can be a minefield of spam and possibly viruses that most children are not equipped to safely navigate. I have a teenage friend who recently had her cell phone infected with a virus (I didn't know it could do that) because of a ring tone she downloaded off of a lyrics site.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of censorship. It would just be nice if there was a site or network with children in mind that would bring up more than just Disney Channel lyrics to search.

Perhaps starting with a great band, such as Nickleback or Green Day would be a good start. Or, a wiki could be created with children in mind. Using a huge network of people to edit can cause errors, but it can also greatly broaden what would be available. Having music teachers, such as myself, and parents as moderators would help keep the content appropriate.

Barry's Response - The key would be in educating the children about the caveats before granting free access. Have them pass a few basic knowledge tests in the matter of computer/internet safety, ethics and security.

Comments for School Appropriate Lyrics

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Really Appropriate
by: Jones

This site has not that appealing. A lot has to do to improve the design and layout of the site. There are maps and real estate and song lyrics pages! Way too broad.

by: Anonymous

Very interesting article and funny picture.Thank you for sharing.You given information about the safety methods in using internet.

by: Anonymous

This site has no appeal. The design is over a decade out of date. The technologies on teh site are very out of date as well (with the exception of the RSS subscriptions box). Stay focused. There are maps and real estate and song lyrics pages! Way too broad.

by: Anonymous

The picture is very nice. The informations are interesting. Please proved more informations. thank you.

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