Review on classic rock
by John
(Philadelphia, PA (USA))
A few of those great bands
My name is John and I am 29 years old. I live in Pennsylvania (USA). We too have a classic rock station...that sucks.
I can appreciate classic rock from bands such as Kansas, Pink Floyd, Boston, Rolling Stones,etc. However, our classic rock station plays the SAME songs from the SAME bands over and over.
Its a funny coincidence that many local bands who cover many classic rock songs play the same ones OVER and OVER. They also play it EXACTLY how the original band played it. It so predictable.
I personally enjoy when a local band uses their own "pizazz" or style when covering classic rock songs. It changes things up a bit, considering we have been listening to the same songs in the same performance style for OVER 20+ years.
Its cool to be a local band. Its even cooler to stay true to YOURself and your bands own style. This is what separates the band that everyone talks about, from the forgotten, "never-was" bands. I know some bands who are LEGENdary for performing covers.
Barry's Response - Yes I know that can happen. Even famous recording acts of years gone by have released noteworthy albums of covers (Metallica, Rush and Def Leppard for instance). More power to 'em.
Thanks John.
PS. If you're ever in Calgary, check out Back in the Day -