petar point of view

by petar

BIG buildings

BIG buildings

Hy, I am Petar and i know lot of Canada. I have couple of friends living there and by the pictures I can tell that Canada is very nice country. Much nicer than BiH Barry's note Bosnia and Herzegovina, much, much nicer. Everything is so clean and so big. I like the big buildings very much.

In BiH we do not have so much big buildings, and that is really a shame. After looking at this map, I can say that I am little surprised. I think it shows the details very good, very accurately. That is very useful thing for tourists, they do not have go around the city and ask some strangest for help if they get lost or something like that.

I would add maybe more places, more details to that map just in case. But I think that every detail is on the map, and what is more important map is very accurate. As i said before, I love Canada and I love traveling so I would definitely like to visit Canada some day in the near future.

The first place I would do to is Alberta because my uncle has a house there so I would like to visit him. I love numbering system, I think it make sense and it is a great idea.

Barry's Response - It's what I know, Petar. Thanks for you accolades here. This city is worth seeing for sure.

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A Cool Place to Visit
by: Jessec1007

Calgary seems to be a city with both modern and serene warm small town look. The classic rock bands makes it worth for music lovers. And the climate makes it a nice summer get-a-away. If you are going to look around Alberta, this may be an affordable place to stay. It would be great if more surrouding areas sightseeing could be introduced.

Good ideas
by: Kim Wor

I like the picture used to represent Petar's love of big buildings, however, this picture like every other of the Calgary tower is very misleading. The first thing I thought when I saw the tower is "Wow! It's really not very big." (This could just be because I grew up in Toronto)

I like what he had to say about the buildings, his desire to visit Canada and his suggestions for the site. I also really like the title of the article.

The only real problem would be that there are many translation errors in the article. If English isn't the author's first language, having someone proofread his articles would go a long way in making them easier to read and understand.

Tall Buildings
by: Keisha

The image of the buildings looks very nice. Its interesting in a way that a person talks about their travels. I've been to a place like Calgary but I would like to see music and entertainment scenes like rock bands and others. The best restaurants they have in Calvary and things that you recommend we visit over there.

by: Anonymous

very nice article. The informations are very nice. The image is also beautiful.

by: Anonymous

Really such a interesting article. I like it very much. The image is well suited for this topic.

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