Music Lyrics & Calgary

I not THIS old

I not THIS old

I thought that this was a very interesting article. I do like classic rock myself. I'm glad they did a piece on older musicians instead of younger ones. They deserve credit too, you know. They work just as hard as the young ones.

Barry's Response Who're ya callin' old. Well, almost. Born 1966.

But hey - we had the good music.

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by: Anonymous

Calgary in an fantastic city in Canada.I love to visit their again and again.This is an very attractive city for the tourists and many people like to go their for spending their vacations.

Useful post
by: Isaac99

Well! Calgary City maps have detail of all routes of the this city in the form of map. This city is very famous due to the music Lyrics because a lot of singer belong in that city. I have spent 3 months at that city due to business meeting and enjoyed very much. any how, I feel good to share my experience regarding that city.

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