magik band

by viju

Not a Calgary City Map!

Not a Calgary City Map!

Some say it takes two to tango, but for the Norwin Marching Band, it takes 120.

The band has been rehearsing for its new show, "Tango with My Shadow," since June. It unveiled the show last week, during its first public performance after three weeks of band camp this month.

Jess Henry, senior band president and trumpet section leader, said the band has been working on show since June.

After months of work, she said it feels good to see the show come to life.

"When you see the schedule we have, you see nonstop rehearsals and you think it's a drag," she said. "But on our last full day of band camp, looking back at everything we've done, it's just unbelievable how far we've progressed."

Barry's Response - The band belongs to the Norwin School District and the city is called North Huntingdon, PA, just a few minutes southeast of Pittsburgh, as shown in the map above. Look for the red star. Thanks Viju.

Comments for magik band

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I give it a (3) at most.
by: I don't know

While the page has a lot of info, It doesn't do much to insight would be listeners. Maybe a sound clip or link to hear the live music could help. People that have never heard of this group won't care.

by: Anonymous

Need to move the map, it doesn't make sense with how large it is and it throws off the theme of webpage. More graphics related to the band would be appropriate. And I don't understand why maps and real estate are included on this site, they seem to be more than advertising but just inappropriate for understanding anything about bands... If they were showing a particular route, it might make sense (for a marching band) but otherwise.. :-/

by: Jimmi

I understand those nonstop rehearsals I played in a marching band during my years in secondary school; I can really appreciate just how hard that is to do. It really is an amazing thing to coordinate that many people.

by: Viju

The band belongs to the Norwin School District and the city is called North Huntingdon, PA, just a few minutes southeast of Pittsburgh, as shown in the map above. Look for the red star.

by: Anonymous

The band belongs to the Norwin School District and the city is called North Huntingdon, PA, just a few minutes southeast of Pittsburgh, as shown in the map above. Look for the red star. Thanks Viju.

interesting site
by: Randy Wrangler

This page is interesting and the map is very useful

by: John

Overall, this sites get a 3 for appearance and a 5 for information.

Norwin MArching Band
by: Anonymous

Very cool band.

Way to go
by: Alan Br

Great job you are doing Norwin, I'm sure the show is a success

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