Google is still the best for searching anything

by zack
(Los Angeles)

Google is still the best

Google is still the best

I usually play most of my songs on winamp and the best software, kind of a plugin that works for me is lyrics Joy but that too has lately been unhelpful as I switched to vista platform. But if you don't have the actual song with you and you are trying to find the lyrics of the song, then it would require some effort.

First, to remember the few lines of the song is a task in itself. I have been to sites like and they are pretty organized but still it takes some effort to find your lyrics.

I think the best thing still would be to just google some part of the lyrics, if you do remember, with the name of the artist. It's even more difficult if you are looking for lyrics of some rare old songs, they would require double the effort. And yes putting the quotes while googling the lyrics is very important as it would give the perfect match to the complete phrase.

It's nice that you mentioned this in the article as many people don't know how to find perfect match for a phrase. And if you still can't find it, then I guess you should accept the fact that you were not destined to find it.

Barry's Response - Yes, some can be challenging for sure. I have looked for some obscure Caribbean song lyrics for this website and unable to find everything. But you have to expect that from time to time. Thanks, Zack.

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by: Anonymous

You told correct,I am agree with you.Thank you for sharing this information.The picture is super..

by: gopi

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by: Anonymous

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In this article , the picture is very nice. I like music very much. This information you gave are very interesting.

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