
by filip

Stage Equipment

Stage Equipment

well, i play drums and less guitar. i play rock songs, and i have a band called beggrad. we are the first band around that have some very nice and very hot stuff. i must say that i dont see this type of thing happening in a far-away place such as Calgary, or alberta. i can remember some great guys that were playing there few years ago, but i dont know the name of theirs band, and i think that is realy shame.

there is too less good things around calgary and anything diferent would be fun. i realy like gnr and it would be great if they could come, but, come on... od IM, or metallica. that would be fun, nor folk festival, that is not for young people.

Barry's Response - Thanks, Filip. The bands you have mentioned here are also aging...

I guess we just know what's good.

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Calgary Bands
by: Anonymous

I read the information posted on the website. Unfortunately I am not quite sure what the writer's point was, other than talking about bands that he'd like to see come to Calgary. The website, however, looks great.

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