by Deron
Rocking Robot
I love to rock. The bottom line is that music is a savior of souls. Without rock music I don't know where we would be in this world.
Calgary certainly does rock and I can prove it with my Dean Edge 09 Electric Bass Guitar. I don't play for the money. I play for the love of music. There's no other reason to play unless you love what you do. Before my Dean Edge 09, I owned a Peavey Grind Bass and a Dean USA. I sold them to get the guitar I have now.
Calgary is a city that rocks and I could certainly see a big rock event happening there. I bet it could be as great as the Limp Bizkit concert I went to in high school. I left missing my right shoe and my special sunglasses.
I'd love to see bands come out and do this. I'd buy my ticket today.
Barry's Response - I'll be you don't miss that ol' shoe and glasses THAT much. After all you saw Limp Bizkit. Thanks Deron.
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