Asian Heritage Month - every May

by Tu
(Calgary, AB)

A continent to behold.

A continent to behold.

Hello All,

Calgary is also a very diverse city! We have many ethnic groups living in one great city. And to celebrate this diversity, the Asian Heritage Foundation in Calgary sets out to celebrate Asian Heritage Month in May (approved across Canada as the month to celebrate Asian Heritage.

There are variety of activities and events from theater acts, film festivals, Bollywood nights to bus tour!

Come celebrate, learn, taste the foods, watch and interact with Asians.

Events for 2010 are:

1. Find the CanAsian in you Bus Tour: May 2, 9, 16
2. Film Festival: May 6, 8, 14
3. Bollywood ExtravaDanza: June 5
4. I he(ART) YouthinAsia: May 4-6
5. ACCT-Out Youth Theatre (Meet the Asians): May 22
6. Bboy/Bgirl Breakdance Competition/Exhibition: May 16

for more details!

Get a splash of Asianness.
Enjoy your stay in Calgary and your great city.

Barry's Response - Sounds Great! I went to Hong Kong last fall and thought it was fabulous.

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Apr 01, 2011
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