A great music and lyric resource in Calgary.

by Krystle Fryzel
(Morgantown, WV, United States of America)

The music of Calgary

The music of Calgary

It can be rather difficult and inconvenient to find music and lyrics online. Lyrics especially can be frustrating especially if the music is less common. Many times I have needed a certain song and not been able to find it.

I have heard of Ultimate-guitar.com and it is a pretty good resource for free music. Sometimes though I would rather be able to browse and find the music I need in a real music store. I often shop for sheet music at local stores. It is nice to be able to see the music before you buy it and it is usually better quality than free online music.

I often go to musical performances in the community. It is a great way to support local musicians and hear some really great music without traveling or paying a lot of money. I haven't heard much about Calgary, but this website seems to be a great resource if I were to visit. I would like to visit Calgary since it seems like a great place for music and to experience many different artistic events. Since I am a musician I think I would really enjoy a trip to Calgary.

Barry's Response Thanks, Krystle. I'm sure you would find something worthwhile here. A very interesting thing would be a stop at the Cantos Music Foundation. A good, unique society with something unusual for music people to explore.

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by: faizelkhan

i think ther are informations ,but i wish to hear more ,but i am not getting it,please ad more information."It is a great way to support local musicians and hear some really great music without traveling or paying a lot of money."i think this is my favorite word in this article.thank you for the informations given.

Calgary - Music and lyric resource
by: Anonymous

It was a nice article. The image is also suited for this topic. The informations about music and lyrics is very nice and knowledgeable.

pieces of great song lyrics beautiful words from songs
by: Irfan

Hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky
A dream come true, I'll live there 'til I die
I'm asking you, to say my last good-bye
The love we knew, ain't worth another try

And if she asks you why you can tell her that I told you
That I'm tired of Castles in the Air
I've got a dream I want the world to share in castle walls
Just leave me to despair

by: Anonymous

wow, such a nice article. the image is well suited for this topic. The informations about music is very nice.

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