*** 20th Anniversary: 2004 to 2024 ***

Our Calgary humane society

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Calgary:  Home of the Calgary Humane Society.  The city of lively and warm-hearted masses

Calgary Humane Society

Calgary is famous for so many things like sports, festivals and fun etc, etc…but to have a clear idea about a place you love, it might help to investigate a bit deeper. You just might find a few features of this fantastic city previously hidden from you.

A lot of people relocate themselves in Calgary every year and human nature would have us leave important details until there is no option left for us. Such as the care of our pets.

Ever wonder why Calgary is so popular? Some say the sensitivity and warmth of the folks that live around here moves people and contributes to them feeling a natural connectivity with each other. In addition to being a place for fun, Calgarians take responsibility for more serious aspects of life.

For example, human rights and humane attitudes towards animals. We have a long list of Calgary humane societies. Some benefiting specific geographical areas, or species, health issues or social aspects of pet ownership, and many are retailers of pet products who really care.

Really care for your lovely dog?
Read this about your pet's food.

Concept of a Calgary humane society

Hey Bulldog

A common purpose of these organizations is to show us how to keep our pets safe and give them the respect they deserve. This mandate underlies the activities of many such clubs although some state it more explicitly than others.

The official Calgary Humane Society was a very progressive organization when it formed in 1922, having only a single inspector and a bunch of highly dedicated volunteers.

This group has grown, and moved into a brand new facility last year.

Here's a few random facts:
In all of the Canada map, Calgary has...

  • the lowest euthanasia rates,
  • a full service veterinary clinic for Shelter animals,
  • cutting edge educational programs,
  • an extensive post-adoption support system,
  • approximately 300 dedicated volunteers,
  • a wildlife referral network and
  • many ongoing partnerships with vets, the City of Calgary and other animal welfare organizations.

The Society came into existence to emphasize the need to recognize animals of Calgary as significant beings. It goes by the principle of not tolerating cruelty and neglect towards mankind, and certainly not towards defenseless animals.

Their success is a result of honest, tenacious efforts they've made, caring for animals. That's why the Calgary SPCA is a gift for animal lovers. Most people pay less attention to these issues than animal right activists, but this Humane Society has got it right. Go back from Calgary Humane Society to the Internet Site Map web page.

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