Find the right Calgary High Schools

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Lester B. Pearson HS

Carefully select one of the Calgary high schools for your children's education. If you're considering moving to the area and have children of school age, then you'll need to, eventually.

This may take you some time though. Why? Well, there is quite a number of private, separate and public high schools within the Calgary area to choose from.

One good place for you to start your search for Calgary high schools would be at the Calgary Board of Education. Here, you can find details of not only current schools in the area but also where future schools shall spring up.

As the CBE - so we know it - contains details of over 200 schools with their programs and student results and other details, it is a place well recommended for you to find out the best and latest information. Find the Calgary Board of Education online at

If you don't want to send your children to public school, then one other option to consider is one of the Catholic Calgary high schools. For a list of these schools and more information on the syllabus', fees, student results etc, take a look at their website:

Stop the bully.
Before the bully stops you (or your child).

If your children attend a school participating in the School for Champions program, then, sadly, they may find this can't be continued once they move to Calgary. Currently only a few Calgary High Schools are participating in this worldwide scheme.

Check out the list of current Calgary schools taking part in the program:

Where are the Calgary High Schools?

This all in one map shows the locations of the schools with Grade 12 and any number of junior grades.

Calgary High Schools

Public Calgary high schools

  1. Bowness High School
    4627 77 Street NW
  2. Ernest Manning High School
    & National Sport School
    3600 16 Avenue SW
  3. Lester B Pearson High School
    3020 52 Street NE
  4. Queen Elizabeth Jr/Sr High School
    512 18 Street NW
  5. Springbank Community High School
    32226 Springbank Road
  6. Alternative High School
    5003 20 Street SW
  7. Juno Beach, Academy of Canadian Studies
    2336 53 Avenue SW
  8. Louise Dean Centre
    120 23 St. NW
  9. Centennial High School
    55 Sun Valley Blve SE
  10. Central Memorial High
    5111 21 Street SW
  11. Crescent Heights High
    1019 1 St NW
  12. Dr EP Scarlett High
    220 Canterbury Dr SW
  13. Forest Lawn High
    1304 44 St SE
  14. Henry Wise Wood High
    910 75 Avenue SW
  15. James Fowler High
    4004 4 St NW
  16. John G Diefenbaker High
    6620 4 st NW
  17. Lord Beaverbrook High
    9019 Fairmount DR SE
  18. Lord Shaughnessy High
    2336 53 Avenue SW
  19. Sir William Van Home High
    2215 Uxbridge Dr NW
  20. Sir Winton Churchill High
    5220 Northland Dr NW
  21. Western Canada High
    641 17 Avenue SW
  22. Western Canada High School

  23. William Aberhart High
    3009 Morley Trail NW

  24. Regional Schools

  25. Chestermere High School
    RR 7
  26. George McDougall High
    412 - 3rd Avenue N.E.
    Airdrie, Alberta
  27. Bow Valley High School
    2000 River Heights Drive Cochrane,
  28. Cochrane High School
    529 4 Avenue North Cochrane

  29. Separate Calgary high schools

  30. Bishop McNally
    5700 Falconridge Blvd. NE
  31. Bishop O'Byrne
    #500, 333 Shawville Blvd. SE
  32. Father Lacombe
    3615 Radcliffe Dr. SE
  33. Notre Dame
    11900 Country Village Link NE
  34. Our Lady of Lourdes
    1916 2nd Street SW
  35. St. Anne Academic Centre
    1010 - 21 Avenue SE
  36. St. Francis
    877 Northmount Dr. NW
  37. St. Gabriel the Archangel
    197 Invermere Dr., Chestermere
  38. St. Martin de Porres
    410 Big Hill Springs Rd. W., Airdrie
  39. St. Mary’s
    111 - 18 Avenue SW
  40. St. Timothy
    261101 Carlson Trail, Cochrane

  41. Private & Charter Schools

  42. Chinook Winds Adventist Academy
    10101 2 Avenue SW
  43. North Calgary Christian School
    719 44 Avenue NE
  44. Third Academy (Learning Disabilities)
    Building B4 - Currie Barracks
    2452 Battleford Avenue SW
  45. Webber Academy
    1515 - 93 Street SW

Alternatively, even if the high school you want to select doesn't participate currently in School for Champions, you may be able to convince the school board that they should enroll once you and your children have outlined the benefits it can bring.

By the time you've worked your way through all the information on these sites, either you're none the wiser and have begun to tear your hair out. Or maybe you have made your decision, in theory, of which high school you want your children to attend.

If you still really can't decide on a high school, maybe you can ask friends or colleagues who live in the area for their recommendations. Most people still attend one of the closest schools to their home.

Lastly, no matter what anyone says, you know that choosing a high school for your children is one of the most important decisions you need to make. It can affect their life as a whole. So choose carefully.

But whichever of the Calgary High Schools you decide upon for your children to attend, you can be sure that they will receive a great education.

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