Welcome to the Calgary Kennel Club

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Haven’t visited the

Calgary Kennel Club

Calgary Kennel Club yet? 

If you are a dog owner in Calgary and you haven't then a good question to ask yourself would be why not? Not only is this a wonderful organization dedicated to improving the well being of house pets, it also contributes part of its profits to different charities.

Unlike some other clubs in the area, this kennel club specializes in pure bred dogs. If you are looking to buy a pure bred, here is an excellent place to start shopping as they can give you plenty of advice regarding which breed will suit your family needs.

They will also put you in contact with breeders or other clubs if necessary to help you find the right pal for you.

What makes it a stand out a little more from other clubs is that from time to time the Club runs clinics to educate both breeders and owners alike regarding the well-being of their pets.

Purebreds certainly don’t come cheap and the more you know about them the better you can take care of them. Seeing that wagging tail of a happy pup is something owners can’t get enough of, unless, of course, you placed your china at just THAT level in the room...

Find the Club at:
Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club
1007 McKenzie Drive SE
Calgary - See the map below.

Calgary Kennel Club Location

Calgary Kennel Club for Pet show Dogs

Not a doggy person? Maybe just feeling a bit low, then you have a good reason to visit one of the dog shows that this Club hosts on a regular basis.

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What I find to be much less fattening than chocolate and works just as well as cheering me up, is to go along and see the animal names of the dogs placed in the show. If you thought you were unhappy beforehand then think how you would feel if you were stuck with one of THESE names!

On the other hand if you have a pure bred and have never entered him or her in one of the Calgary Kennel Club shows - why not?

You don’t need any great expertise to show your dog, and the experience can be quite a bit of fun for the first timer.

Have a puppy and a child? Then why not let your youngster show him/her off in the ring? It's a great way to swap advice with other owners of the same breed as yours while making friends in the process. Go back from Calgary Kennel Club to the Internet Site Map webpage.

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